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Membership Policy

  1. This document states the policy regarding membership of Rutherglen Repertory Theatre herein after referred to as “The Theatre”

  2. Membership shall run for a period of 12 months commencing on 1st of July of each year or at another date as agreed by the management committee as a result of a delayed annual general meeting or other mitigating circumstance.

  3. Subscription notices will be issued by the treasurer (or other party appointed by the management committee) to all existing members following the renewal date.

  4. Subscription dues are payable within 28 days of the date of the subscription notice.

    • Membership will be considered lapsed if payment is not received by this date

  5. Lapsed memberships are not eligible for any of the benefits of membership of The Theatre and persons with lapsed memberships will not be allowed to take part in any productions of The Theatre in any capacity.

    • Persons holding a lapsed membership may take part in the activities of the Theatre on payment of the appropriate subscription dues.

  6. Prospective members will be entitled to attend the activities of The Theatre for a period of 28 days from the first meeting they attend after which they will be required to pay the appropriate subscription dues to become a full member.

    • Prospective members are not eligible to take part in any public performance by The Theatre without paying the appropriate subscription dues and becoming a full member

  7. There will be no reduction in the subscription dues for prospective members joining The Theatre later in the season.

  8. All persons involved in the production, in whatever capacity, will be required to become a full member of The Theatre.

    • Any exceptions to this will be at the discretion of the management committee except where:

    • The person in question will be appearing on-stage or working back-stage where the person shall be required to become a full member

  9. All members are required to behave in an acceptable manner, as such:

    • Beyond what is reasonable in terms of casting and the suitability of individuals for particular roles (justified artistically or by ability and not an excuse for targeting or excluding an individual based on gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity, religion, politics or other group or characteristic), no discrimination, bullying, harassment or abuse of any sort is permitted, towards other members whether during Theatre activities or outside these, or towards any other individual while participating in Theatre activities or representing the Theatre.

    • Members must not bring the Theatre into disrepute through their behaviour whether during or outside Theatre activities.

    • Alleged breaches of the above are subject to the disciplinary process described in Clause 10.

  10. The disciplinary procedures of the Theatre in respect of complaints regarding alleged breaches of  the rules of the Theatre are as follows:

    • Complaints should be made to the management committee.

    • The management committee should meet to consider any complaint received no later than 28 days following the receipt of that complaint, and the person(s) against whom the complaint is made must be informed that a complaint has been made against them.

    • At this meeting the management committee should decide:

      • If the complaint is competent in accordance with the membership policy (whether the complaint relates to behaviour or actions which are described in clause 9)

      • If it is competent, whether the management committee has enough information to make a decision.

      • If further information is required, the steps necessary to acquire this information, and when a further meeting can be held to consider the complaint – this meeting should be held no later than six weeks after the first meeting.

    • The management committee may choose to interview the complainant, the member(s) to which the complaint relates or any other individuals deemed relevant outside or at the meeting(s).

    • All parties have the right to present their case(s).

    • When satisfied that all available and sufficient information has been gathered, the management committee will deliberate and determine whether to uphold the complaint, and if so what action to take, with a full range of options available including: a warning, suspension of membership for a specified period, exclusion from particular, specified Theatre activities, revoking of membership, or a permanent ban from the Theatre.

    • When a decision has been taken this will be promptly communicated to both parties; both parties will also be informed of their right to appeal and the process and timescale of this.

    • The appeals process will be as follows:

      • Both parties will have a right to appeal for a period of up to 28 days from the date on which they are informed of the decision of the Management Committee.

      • Appeals should be lodged with the Management Committee within this period.

      • On receiving an appeal the Management Committee must convene an appeal hearing within 28 days of receipt of that appeal.

      • Appeal hearings will be composed of all full members of the Theatre excluding the complainant and the person(s) subject of the complaint – a quorum for the hearing consists of five members.

      • The complainant and the subject(s) of the complaint have the right to present their cases to the hearing, and the hearing will be made aware of all information regarding the complaint gathered by the Management Committee.

      • The hearing will make a decision regarding the complaint and/or the sanctions imposed by a simple majority.

      • The decision of the hearing is final.

© 2019 by Rutherglen Repertory Theatre

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