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1.The organisation shall be known as "RUTHERGLEN REPERTORY THEATRE", hereinafter referred to as "the Theatre".


2.         The object of the Theatre shall be to advance the education of the public in the arts, and in particular the art of theatre, by fostering an interest in theatre through a variety of means, including the presentation of plays and an active Theatre programme of more experimental work.


3.         There shall be two classes of Membership:


  • Full Membership - this will be open to all persons over the age of 16 years.  Full Members will have the right to vote at any General Meeting and to participate in all activities of the Theatre.

  • Youth Membership - this will be open to all persons under the age of 16 years.  Youth Members will have the right to participate in all activities of the Theatre but will have no voting rights at any General Meeting.


4.         The Management Committee shall convene an Annual General Meeting in each year; not more than 15 months shall elapse between one Annual General Meeting and the next.  The financial year shall end on 31 March each year, and the Annual General Meeting held as soon as possible thereafter, but no later than 30 June annually.


5.         The business of each Annual General Meeting shall include:


  • a report by the Chairperson on the activities of the Theatre;

  • consideration of the annual accounts of the Theatre;

  • setting annual subscription rates for membership;

  • the election or re-election of members of the Management Committee, as referred to in Clause 8.


6.            The Management Committee may convene a Special General Meeting at any time.  A Special General Meeting may also be convened by 10% of the Full Members.


7.         At least 14 clear days notice must be given of any Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting; the notice must indicate the general nature of any business to be dealt with at the Meeting and, in the case of a resolution to alter the Constitution, must set out the terms of the proposed alteration.  The reference above to “clear days” shall be taken to mean that, in calculating the period of notice, the day after the notice is posted, and also the day of the meeting, should be excluded.  Notice of every General Meeting shall be given to all Members of the Theatre, and to all the members of the Management Committee


8.         A Management Committee shall be formed to decide on general policy with regard to Theatre activities and productions:  the Management Committee shall be responsible for the selection of works for performance by the Theatre, and for the stage fittings, props, and costumes belonging to the Theatre.  The following members of the Committee shall be responsible for the following functions:


  •             Chairperson - To act as co-ordinator of all Theatre activities and be responsible for all publicity through the media, and printing of issuing of all tickets and production of programmes.  Also to maintain regular contact with every Member and establish and maintain contact with other clubs and with the Scottish Community Drama Association.

  •             Secretary - To attend to all clerical work and correspondence required by the Committee, keep minutes of all meetings, maintain Theatre records, and arrange meetings called by the Chairperson.

  •             Treasurer - To maintain financial records, give guidance as to budgeting and present accounts at the Annual General Meeting.  Also to maintain an accurate record of all Members.

  •             Stage Manager – To be responsible for the building of sets and organisation of stage crew for each production.  To be responsible for all aspects of production and act as Chairperson of any Production Committee constituted for any major production.

  •             Publicity and Front of House Manager – To be responsible for all publicity and all ‘front of house’ activities, including ticket sales, refreshments at performances, and accurate accounting of ticket sales.

  •             Ordinary Committee Member - The Ordinary Committee Member will have no specific Management responsibilities, but shall have full voting rights on the Management Committee.  Duties to be performed by the Ordinary Committee Member may be decided by the Management Committee on an ad hoc basis.


            A quorum will consist of any three members of the Management Committee called to a properly constituted meeting.


            All posts held by members of the Committee shall be open to nomination at every Annual General Meeting.


9.         The Management Committee shall hold regular meetings, with the minutes of such meetings being distributed to members of the Theatre.


10.     The Management Committee shall ensure that proper accounting records are maintained in accordance with all applicable statutory requirements.  The Management Committee shall prepare annual accounts, complying with all relevant statutory requirements; if an audit is required under statutory provisions or of they otherwise think fit, they shall ensue that an audit of such accounts is carried out by a qualified auditor.


11.     No public or private presentation shall be given under the Theatre's name without the prior authority of the Committee.


12.     No person shall receive any remuneration or profit by virtue of being a member of the Committee or Theatre, or by virtue of taking part in any Theatre activity, unless by authority of the Management Committee.


In the event of the dissolution of the Theatre no person shall receive any remuneration or profit by virtue of being a member of the Committee or the Theatre.  Any remaining funds shall be donated to a charitable organisation, or organisations, to be determined by a majority of Members at a properly constituted meeting.


13.     Alterations to the Constitution may be made only at an Annual General Meeting, or a Special General Meeting called for that purpose.  Proposed alterations must be notified to the Secretary one month prior to the Meeting.  No alteration shall be made which would have the effect of causing the Theatre to cease to be recognised by H.M Revenue and Customs and the Office of Scottish Charity RegulatorInland Revenue as a charity.

© 2019 by Rutherglen Repertory Theatre

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